It hardly seems possible that one quarter of my photography training at the Art Institute of San Antonio is behind me. 11 weeks flies by and I was so absorbed by shooting pictures for assignments as well as drawing assignments that I let the blog languish for several weeks.
In the new year as I start winter quarter I will devote myself to learning lighting for photography as well as digital image manipulation. I also have a class that will emphasize the composition and design of photographs. Most of the time I am really looking forward with anticipation to the new year, but on the other hand I often feel that I should be making progress faster. I'm not getting any younger. I vow to be more consistent in 2015 with this blog and the beginning of my business--in whatever form that may be.
I went to the George W. Bush Institute yesterday and was inspired by the former President's words from September 20, 2001 as he addressed a Joint Session of Congress, "We will not tire, We will not falter, We will not fail." I want that to be my motto, along with the country's philosophy! Best of luck to everyone in your endeavors in 2015.
Image taken in the fall of 2014 on Highway 190 near Killeen Texas. It was one of my favorite images submitted for my final project in Principles of Photography.