Tomorrow the first photographs that I will submit in my Principles of Photography class will be turned in for the review and critique by the professor as well as my fellow aspiring photographers. I have been seriously taking photographs for about 2 years now. However I don't think I have ever looked at them in their most basic structure as closely as I have done these past 3 weeks.
We were required to shoot the photos in a format that I left behind many months ago. (JPEG) and although I am a novice at editing anyway, we were not allowed to alter them in any way.
I have been having a few mini nightmares about the 100 photos I am submitting. 10 will be judged on the basis of lighting, focus, exposure, white balance and composition. However the professor said something the other day that has put me more at ease. She said, "None of these photos are going to be worthy of your portfolio." So why not just relax and enjoy the process.
When do I ever relax? Ha!! I realized I have yet to post one of my photographs on this blog. Well one other than an iPhone picture. Next week I will post my best picture. Stay tuned.....
Here it is. Ready to turn in...and be critiqued!!